Tuesday 23 June 2015

Refinishing the neck

I've glued and clamped up the next small part on the back today, so while that's clamped and setting, I thought I'd have a quick go at stripping the finish off the neck. 

As a reminder, there has been a previous repair:

I have decided that I'm going to strip the neck back, sand it very smooth and then apply Tung Oil, which is supposed to give a really nice smooth satin finish.

The initial plan was to use Nitromors paint stripper to remove the lacquer. I removed the machine heads and masked everything up really well, then applied the stripper but it didn't touch it. Maybe it's just me, but I have found that modern Nitromors just doesn't do it anymore - I assume they have had to tone down the chemicals in it compared to the stuff I used to use years ago?

Anyway, I cleaned it all up again and then started rubbing it down with medium sandpaper to remove the lacquer.

Really, I was just having a go to see how hard it would be. Before I knew it.....

It has come up really nice, even just with the medium grade paper. Once I have given it a go with the fine sandpaper, it should look beautiful!

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