Saturday 3 October 2020

The Gouzouki Project - Head Inlay

Does it get any more nerve wracking than drilling into your lovingly crafted neck?

I marked out and drilled for the tuners this morning. I was so careful and one of them is still very slightly out. The other mistakes should distract the eye from it 😏. I trial fitted the tuners but they won't be finally fitted until after the finish is applied.

If I thought drilling for the tuners was nerve wracking.... time to do the logo inlay 😳.

I wanted something to reference the Faith heritage and found this ‘n ’ that was in a similar style. I cut it out from a piece of figured maple veneer using the modelling fret saw I inherited from my Dad. I have used so many of his old tools doing this - it's a lovely way to remember him 🙂.

I transferred the outline onto masking tape and then scored the outline into the rosewood head veneer.

I bought a rudimentary router fitting for the Dremel and routed out as much of the shape as I could, using a magnifying glass (Dad’s again 😀) to help, then carved the fine details using modelling knives.

After lots of very careful trimming the insert dropped in. I glued it in place and filled around the edge using a filler made from the rosewood veneer sawdust. (I have learned to collect sawdust from the various different parts as I go along, in case I need to make any little filler repairs etc.)

After it dried, sanding back the maple and filler to the same level revealed the logo in all it’s glory - not perfect but I’m pretty happy for a first attempt

The last couple of photos show my (wisely done for a change) practice attempts at carving out for the inlay - so glad I practiced first!

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